Customized Model Railroad Control Systems

At Railroad Control Systems, our goal is to provide a totally customizable control system for your layout, while our hardware and software do all the hard work for you. Our modular components and advanced software can be expanded to service a layout of any size or complexity. 

There's no need to settle for minimal function, off the shelf components when you can have a completely custom system for less. Our "Simple Signal System" (S³) has a number of features that make it unique in model railroading. Our S³ controller supports a variety of model railroad devices, including signals, block detectors, turnouts, crossings, control panels, and more. These devices can all be operated simultaneously as one integrated system, with the ability to distribute devices over any size layout via our low cost network.

Instead of an off-the-shelf control system, we provide customers with the ability to create a tailored solution that is specifically designed for their needs. Contact us today at Railroad Control Systems to learn more about our control hardware and software, and how they can help you create the perfect customized railroad control system.

Visit our Shop to download a free copy of the S³ User's Manual OR a copy of the latest version of the S³ Configurator Software!

To view a short demo of the S³ configuration process click this link: Demo Number 1 

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